Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
Outside Chicory's room[edit | edit source]
Pizza: ...Chicoryyy...!
Pizza: Are you there... ?
Pizza: I... have your brush...
Pizza: I took it.
Pizza: But I shouldn't have...
Pizza: Um. Can I come in?
Pizza: I just want to give your brush back.
Chicory: Fine.
Chicory: Come in...
In Chicory's room[edit | edit source]
Pizza: CHICORY!!!
Chicory: You're that janitor...
Chicory: Pizza... right?
Pizza: Yes!!
Pizza: I'm sorry for taking your brush.
Pizza: I was confused, with all the color gone...
Pizza: Um... you don't know why that happened, do you?
Chicory: No.
Pizza: Anyway, um... please take it back!
Chicory: Actually...
Chicory: Forget it.
Pizza: Huh?
Chicory: You keep it.
Pizza: H-huh...?
Pizza: I can't take this from you!
Pizza: You're... the WIELDER!
Pizza: The best one EVER!!!
Chicory: Not anymore.
Pizza: I don't understand...
Pizza: I... I really look up to you.
Pizza: Taking this means EVERYTHING to me!
Chicory: Just take it.
Pizza: OKAY!!!
Pizza: I'll|| do it!!!
Pizza: I'll color EVERYTHING back in...
Pizza: And make you proud, Chicory!
Chicory: Sure.
Chicory: Now leave me alone.
If Pizza continues to talk to her:
Pizza: I'll do my best, Chicory!
Pizza: Any tips on using the brush?
Chicory: No.
Pizza: ...Are you ok?
Chicory: No.
Chicory: I'm depressed.
Pizza: O-Oh.
Pizza: Do you...| want to talk about it?
Chicory: No. I want you to leave me alone.
Chicory: Go away.
If Pizza tries painting in Chicory's room:
Chicory: Hey.
Chicory: ...Stop that.
Chicory: HEY.
Chicory: I said stop that.
Chicory: It's annoying.
Chicory: STOP.
Phone call before the Wielder Temple[edit | edit source]
Pizza: ...Hello...?
Chicory: Hey, Pizza...
Chicory: It's Chicory.
Pizza: H-How did you know I was here?
Chicory: I can see you with my telescope.
Chicory: I wanted to say...
Chicory: Sorry about the way I acted before.
Chicory: I was just feeling super depressed.
Pizza: Oh! That's ok.
Pizza: Do you mean... you're feeling better?
Pizza: You want the brush back?
Chicory: Oh, no way. Haha!
Chicory: I'm pretty done with that.
Pizza: Chicory... you were my favorite wielder EVER.
Pizza: It makes me sad that you'd quit.
Chicory: ...
Chicory: Aren't you excited to be wielding now?
Pizza: Well, I don't know.
Pizza: Are you really sure it should be me?
Chicory: I think you're better for it than I was.
Pizza: R-really?!
Chicory: Yeah! You're so enthusiastic.
Chicory: I just don't have that spark.
Pizza: B-but... how could that be true?
Pizza: Your art was always... so...
Pizza: Bold... and colorful... and strong...
Pizza: ...everything I wish I could be...
Chicory: You can be those things.
Chicory: I believe in you,Pizza.
Chicory: And... I can't do it myself anymore, anyway.
Chicory: I really need your help.
Chicory: Is that... OK?
Chicory: Can you keep trying?
Pizza: O-of course!!!
Pizza: I'll... I'll do my best!!!
Chicory: OK!
Chicory: Thanks, Pizza.
Pizza: NOnononono!
Pizza: Thank YOU!
Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
Chicory: You came back...
Pizza: Chicory, you need to get out of this tower.
Pizza: It's not safe anymore!
Pizza: Something HORRIBLE is happening here...
Chicory: I"M what's happening here!!!
Chicory: I told you...
Chicory: All of this came from ME.
Chicory: I'm just a broken, messed-up person.
Chicory: You can't "save" me from this.
Chicory: The sooner you abandon me...
Chicory: The better off you'll be.
Pizza: Chicory, I...
Pizza: None of that's true!
Pizza: The last time I saw the darkness... it...
Chicory: Why won't you LISTEN to me?!
Chicory: It's all my fault.
Chicory: It's all my fault. It's ALL my fault.
Pizza: Chicory...