
From Chicory: A Colorful Tale Wiki
Revision as of 19:01, 9 February 2024 by Chevreau (talk | contribs) (Added Dialogue)

Miso is a character residing in Potluck. Pizza used to babysit her when Miso was younger.


Pizza: "Miso!! You've gotten so much taller!"

Miso: "Pizza!! You're still very short."

Miso: "I'm almost done school now."

Pizza: "That's so cool! I can't believe you grew up so fast!"

Miso: "Well, I can't believe my old babysitter is the wielder!"

Miso: "Well, I can't believe my old babysitter is so famous!" (postgame)

Pizza: "Remember staying up late watching scary movies?"

Miso: "Oh, yes. My parents would never show me them... But I loved scary movies so much."

Pizza: "Me too!" (option 1)
Miso: "That's why you were, undoubtedly, the coolest babysitter"

Pizza: "I'm terrified of them!" (option 2)
Miso: "You always did scream the loudest."
Pizza: "I wanted to impress you and be the cool babysitter."
Miso: "Well, the screaming didn't come off very cool. But you were, undoubtedly, the coolest babysitter"

Miso: "I want to work in public service after I graduate. I think I'll move north, to Dinners. Maybe work at Province Hall, if I'm lucky."

Pizza: "Wow. So important. Good luck!"
Pizza: "Good luck." (if depressed)

Miso: Thanks."