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Pizza meets up again with Chicory. They share a hug, and Pizza explains that the brush is gone, they messed it up, and they can’t fix anything anymore. Chicory says that she’s just glad Pizza is okay.
Pizza asks them the same question they asked her shadow — when she gave Pizza the brush, if she really thought it was a good idea, or really “chose” them for it. Chicory responds honestly, that no, she did not. She just wanted to be free of the brush, the institution of it, and the legacy it carried, having to answer to old long-dead artists from the past, and having to do or be something specific. Pizza understands that she resented that legacy, but asks then if she only “chose” Pizza because they were a bad choice for it, and if that’s all they meant to her. Chicory says that by the time she had let Pizza have the brush, they had already taken it and painted their colors themself. By that time, Pizza had already fought a corruption themself and made it back. She says that Pizza is proof that you don’t need to be “chosen” or “special” to be capable, and that they kept showing her things that she had never thought were possible before. She says that they shouldn’t have to ask her if they deserved the brush, because they proved it themself so many times already.
Chicory then says that they’ve missed something important — if they even wanted the brush in the first place. She says that she basically forced it onto them without asking what they wanted. She asks Pizza if they actually wanted to have it. Pizza answers that they really did, or at least they thought they really did. They say that they always wanted to make their mark on the world, and just didn’t know how or feel ready to do it. Chicory was the first person to give them that chance, but they let that chance slip away.


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