Art Academy
The Art Academy is a building in Potluck where Pizza can take art classes. The music in the Art Academy is Art Academy.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Art Classes[edit | edit source]
Art classes are an optional gameplay mechanic accessed by talking to Quinoa. Pizza is given a prompt to follow or a painting to recreate, and is given a blank canvas to do so. This is the first time such drawing mechanics are used, later they are also used to draw the portrait of Chicory and the self-portrait on Spoons Island. Pizza can only do 2 classes to start off, but will be able to access more as they gain Brush Styles.
After every drawing section is a review of Pizza’s work. The other students will provide comments, and Quinoa will specifically comment on the use of colors and composition. Paintings made based on prompts will go to various locations across the map, while recreations of classics will go to the Elevenses Master Gallery.
After all classes are complete, Quinoa will give Pizza an art degree, which is an accessory item that does nothing.
Class 1 - Express "Joy"[edit | edit source]
Before this class, Quinoa introduces Pizza to Brush Styles.
Class 2 - Recreate a Classic ("Here in the Garden")[edit | edit source]
Class 3 - A Cute Creature[edit | edit source]
Class 4 - Recreate a Classic ("Hidden Kitten")[edit | edit source]
Class 5 - Express "Fear"[edit | edit source]
After this class, Radish will storm off in anger. Going forward, she will be replaced by Brussel Sprout in classes.
Class 6 - Recreate a Classic ("Restraint")[edit | edit source]
Class 7 - Your First Memory[edit | edit source]
Class 8 - Recreate a Classic ("Cooking Cozy")[edit | edit source]
Class 9 - A Dream[edit | edit source]
Class 10 - Recreate a Classic ("Fluffy Fluffy Sheep Sheep")[edit | edit source]
Class 11 - Express "Melancholy"[edit | edit source]
Class 12 - Recreate a Classic ("The Wizard")[edit | edit source]
Class 13 - A Friend[edit | edit source]
Class 14 - Recreate a Classic ("Letting Go")[edit | edit source]
Class 15 - Express "Anger"[edit | edit source]
Class 16 - Recreate a Classic ("A Breezy Field")[edit | edit source]
Class 17 - A Cool or Scary Creature[edit | edit source]
Class 18 - Recreate a Classic ("The Bachelor Party")[edit | edit source]
Class 19 - Express "Love"[edit | edit source]
Class 20 - Recreate a Classic ("Portrait of a horse looking back")[edit | edit source]
This is the final art class. This image is from a stock photo at Shutterstock titled 'Portrait of bay horse looking back'.