
From Chicory: A Colorful Tale Wiki
Revision as of 19:42, 13 February 2024 by Cement (talk | contribs) (Infobox and Post game dialogue)
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Basil: When you took the Brush, all the colors had washed away...

Basil: But today they feel brighter than ever.

Basil: Thank you for your tremendous effort, Pizza.

Basil: I think you've really made Picnic a new and better place.

(Interact again)

Basil: I wonder if I might learn to grow a brush, too.

Basil: I've grown so many other things...

Basil: So I must be a natural! Hah heh!

Basil: But do you think the world's ready for Basil the brush-wielder?

(Interact again)

Basil: I suppose I always saw my garden...

Basil: As a way to make my corner of the world a little more beautiful.

Basil: Just like the wielder would.

Basil: To think we'll all be able to do that together...

Basil: IT brings a tear to my eye.

Basil: I'm glad I'll get to see the beautiful world we all make together.