
From Chicory: A Colorful Tale Wiki
Revision as of 04:11, 12 March 2024 by Prynmatic (talk | contribs)

"Here’s your song! Do you like it?"
- Kiwi, while singing Pizza the song they wrote

Kiwi is a minor character located in Teatime Meadows. They will sing a song for Pizza based on where they paint in an area around them.



Kiwi will offer to sing a song for Pizza, and let their brush direct what notes they sing. After Kiwi has been given a song, they can appear in various locations singing the song Pizza wrote for them.



  • Kiwi is a reference to the Bard, the main character of Wandersong, Greg Lobanov’s previous game before Chicory.
    • While the Bard’s name is chosen by the player, one of the valid name options is Kiwi, and it is usually treated as the default.
    • Kiwi’s vocal sounds and the directions corresponding to musical notes also match those in Wandersong.